I personally think that there's absolutely no concrete reason as to why people cheat or should cheat. I mean, it doesn't make you rich or add any positive value to you and even if it does, it would only last for a while.It has become a norm in our society today that people or certain individuals live off their lives by cheating others. However, let's not also forget that cheating can be exhibited in different ways and formats. It could be in academics, fraud/scam, in relationships and more.
Cheating diminishes trust
To the best of my knowledge, the most common ones are that of fraud/scam and unfaithfulness in relationships. I am a Nigerian, and these internet fraudulent activities that happen everyday between us Africans and the whites have somehow tarnished our image and thereby limiting our access to certain opportunities. I recently started sourcing for web 3 jobs online so as to earn a living. Whenever I apply to any discord channel for the job as a community mod or manager, it's very difficult for my application to be attended to because of the trust issues, the bad name and legacy some of us Africans have brought up ourselves. It's more like a stigma.
Even as a Nigerian, I have fallen prey to fake websites consecutive times. They would ask you to perform tasks to get paid and then end up robbing me off my funds. Most of them come in the form of investment opportunities such as investing in crypto or buying shares etc. When I lost my first $200, it was a big money to me when you convert to Nigerian currency and I was just 17 years old. I felt so devastated because I had already planned what I wanted to do with the fund for myself. I just had to brace myself and cheer up. I was like 'it's not a big deal and more would still come'. It wasn't an easy one though but I overcame them all.
Coming back to that of relationships, I haven't been in many relationships but to me cheating is not an option. I keep asking this rhetorical question. Why do you enter into a relationship with someone or go as far as getting married to that person and then ending up cheating on him or her for no reason? If you had wanted to flirt around you should prolly remain single and do so than lure someone into a commitment and end up disappointing him/her.
Greed and inability to stay contented
Like I have said earlier, cheating/cheating someone is not an option. If it has to do with money, there are plenty of jobs you could do to earn a living. Greed, lack of contentment, laziness to work and lack of self control has creeped into the lives of most youths of today. Also, if it has to do with academics, everything can be learned. Laziness and lack of willingness to study is what causes one to cheat in tests and exams.
However, there are more better options to choose than fraud. Do your best to live right and you would definitely see positive results.
Until next time,
Do have a wonderful day.
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