You know, having hindrances that slows down your development can not just fully come from a person you are so attached to. Sometimes we are the source of it. I mean there are various practices or case situations where we humans have become an obstacle to ourselves. Procrastination, laziness , poor self-esteem, lack of confidence in oneself, fear in the unknown etc. All these are also within that group. Addictions are another thing.
However, there are those individuals who we are so deeply linked to that their presence in our life have somehow hindered us from going ahead. I realize letting go of something or someone may be quite a tough task to do but at the same time, clinging on to that thing or individual when you know it's not providing any value or speeding up your advancement in life is no good either. It just gives you unnecessary stress and it damages both your physical and emotional health.
Acknowledging God Almighty; very vital fact people tend to disregard
One of the hindrances or obstacles I am aware of that I have been fighting with is the lack of honoring God. I mean I am a christian I am privileged to pray to God almighty to assist me anytime I feel pressured or sad psychologically. I know hard work is necessary but God is also vital. I find this one of the realities people tend to disregard. So last night, I was having a talk with one of my homies, a relative of mine. We spoke about how life has been for us and then he made a comment that hit me so hard he said: "it's been God's grace". It's not the first time I heard that term or that remark but it sort of had an effect on me like it was something fresh. I then started to reflect on some of the successful individuals I had thankfully been in touch with and they all still made identical references to God almighty being their strength.
Procastination kills dreams
Another issue is that of procrastination and poor self-esteem. This has been my greatest issue. I would have tremendous ideas in my thoughts. But then when it's time to start off the procedure of the plan, procrastination then comes in. From procrastination to having doubts. I will begin to question myself will this work, what if it fails? And all of that. But then I begin to picture it from the positive angle, what is the likelihood of this being successful, have you given it a try to see if it would really fail, what if it comes out flawless and perfect. There I started to see the good prospects more than the bad ones.
Nevertheless, my genuine advice to whomever is experiencing an issue that's stopping you from letting go of baggage and has held you stagnant. It might be a person, a habit, an addiction etc. First, you need to let it go because it's not helping you. You've got nothing to lose you know?. It could take time for you to forget about that individual or habit but you would undoubtedly benefit.Some of the benefits you would likely obtain too from letting go is that it would help you to move on and also generate more opportunities for you too. It would also help you enhance your personal development, stay healthy and happy, free from stress and much more.
Well, until next time, do have a wonderful day.
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