Hello everyone, I'm pleased to have y'all here on my blog. I hope this week has been fantastic for everyone. We all know that throughout the years, the usage of technology has significantly impacted schooling. Due to the widespread use of computers, cellphones, and other gadgets, it is now simpler for students to obtain information and interact with one another. It is now simpler for students to study since they can utilize the internet to discover information, view educational videos, and access online textbooks.
Additionally, technology has made it easier for students to interact and communicate with people from all over the world, contributing in the removal of long-standing educational obstacles by giving students access to a larger variety of information from other students or resources across the globe. Additionally, it has given lecturers and teachers additional resources to employ in the classroom. To create comprehensive learning experiences, some educators employ interactive whiteboards and tablets to produce presentations that are interesting, interactive, and engaging. Most of the time, lecturers don't need to physically attend the class since technology has created platforms for online interactive learning environments like Google Meet and Zoom.
There was a period when the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), which represents all federal and several state universities, went on strike. The strike lasted for roughly eight months. When the strike was finally over and classes could resume, the flooding in the South-South part of Nigeria caused further delay in the start of some schools. My school had to set up for online lessons since we can't go back to pick up where we left off that semester. In this sense, using the internet and online learning tools has enabled me to study the essential material even when I wasn't physically there in class and has enabled me to catch up on missed lectures.
Technology, though, can also be a hindrance or distraction in the classroom. When we have access to the internet, social media, and other types of entertainment, it may be challenging for us students to maintain our concentration. Nowadays, the majority of students misuse technology by utilizing their smart watches and phones to cheat on tests and examinations.
But, despite these limitations and challenges, technology is going to continue to play a significant role in education in the future. Many aspects of our life, including education, healthcare, transportation, and entertainment, are projected to be transformed further by technology. It is also believed to offer new difficulties as well as possibilities too as society must handle the technology's ethical and social aspect.Furthermore,in my opinion, as technology advances, online and distance learning will probably become even more common, enabling students to learn whenever and wherever they want. With the predicted development of these technologies, computers will be able to carry out a variety of jobs that were previously only possible for humans.
For instance, the majority of high schools currently manually record examination and continuous assessment results for their students, but in the near future,technology will be used to record exams and test scores, verify academic credentials and monitor student development, which will be more secure and tamper-proof.
Anyway, thanks for reading. Have a beautiful day.
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