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The Beauty Of Simplicity In Everyday living


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. Hope you-all are having a great week. Well, many of us have various ideas about what it means to have a minimalist lifestyle. For me, practicing a minimalist lifestyle is living a simple, comfortable life, forsaking any unneeded possessions, and putting my attention on what matters most. Instead of acquiring stuff only for the sake of it, it's about living intentionally and purposefully.

Most of the time, what may work for you may not always work for someone else. For me, I'm not sure whether I would describe my lifestyle as simple or minimalist. In all honesty, I like obtaining and buying products that fit my wants. But I don't do it often or excessively, per se. I only purchase things that I know are essential to me and are required, particularly once the old ones have become worn out. Yes, I love fashion and want to smell good all the time. However, just because I have these material possessions doesn't imply that I don't have other priorities. Yes, I spend enough to satisfy my needs, but not excessively.

The one thing I want more than anything else is to be comfortable. Staying cozy, healthy, and organized is something I really enjoy. I always want to be in a nice, tidy atmosphere. I get a little irritated with most of my friends when they attempt to touch my belongings, and one of them had to admit that I had OCD syndrome.

I just prefer to keep things simple, spend responsibly, be at ease and content, and maintain my physical fitness and overall health by sticking to my regular exercise and food regimens. By doing this, I can avoid worrying about what other people think of me or developing an inferiority complex that would otherwise make me feel like I'm not doing enough and make it difficult for me to be happy with what I already have. Well, like I mentioned, I choose to live a minimalist lifestyle since it stresses simplicity.

Anyway, thank you for reading! Enjoy your day.

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The Beauty Of Simplicity In Everyday living was published on and last updated on 17 Jan 2023.