It's sad to know that I come from a country where the authorities of the government have become so corrupt and have fallen short of their promises they made during their campaigns to get into power. Each one of them will come up with empty promises just so as to gain the votes of the masses and get into power.
The health care system of Nigeria to me is one of the most highly ignored and neglected aspects of the country. Over time we have faced difficulties in getting proper healthcare services due to lack of proper infrastructures, funds to purchase good equipments, adequate resources and lack of professional health personnelles. All these have made the masses living in the country especially the poor citizens not to have access to quality healthcare services.
However, having both public and private hospitals has not done any justice as to why we have a poor healthcare system. Meaning, they both have their ups and downs. One of them might be less expensive but lack quality service and resources, while the other might have the resources but it is very expensive and difficult to afford. Some time back, in the university i fell very ill and so i went to the school medicals with my ID card along side with a friend for treatment. After a meeting with the doctor, he prescribed some drugs and injections for me to get at a pharmacy outside the school clinic. And I am fully aware that in our school fees and other fees payments, medical fee is very much included and so the school clinic is meant to have these resources and equipment.
The doctor's statement were; " The government has not released funds for them to stock up". I was pained but then I had no choice but to get them. Nevertheless, amidst all these challenges we are facing with the healthcare system, there were times when I was really impressed with the services one of the hospitals gave to me. My dad used to work for a company where every employee and his/her family is entitled to monthly healthcare services at a private hospital because it has already been deducted from their salaries like a tax or something, and each member of that employee's family has a card with the hospital. One time when i fell very ill and was diagnosed with Pneumonia. Immediately, i was rushed down to that hospital.
On a normal ground, in other private hospitals you'll be asked to make a deposit before they'll attend to you but in this case it was not so. I was being attended to immediately before all those procedures were taken even though it was a risky step to take. Their goal was to try to save life first which is very impressive. During my stay there, we were being fed twice each day, morning and evening. I was surprised how they manage to keep up with that.
Nevertheless, despite the challenges we face in the healthcare system of the country, the doctors and nurses still go out of their way to provide care and support to their patients even when it's discomforting to them too and I so much respect them for that.
Until next time, do have a wonderful day.
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