Dear Lady,
Do you know that, if you say yes instantly to someone who asks you out, it doesn't make you cheap?
Source I can totally relate from the standpoint of the female gender the feeling of wanting to be ‘courted’ or ‘chased’ that's not bad but you shouldn't drag it for so long.
It is not about how long you took to say yes that guarantees the success of a relationship or how long it will last nor how much the man will value you.
Your value and worth is you and what you have to offer.
A responsible, godly and matured man will value and cherish you even if you accepted him immediately he proposed.
He's a fine brother, spiritually sound, he meets your Spec and you're interested in him oh, but you will see his call and let it ring 3times before you pick or you don't even pick, you won't text him back until 3months later and you will be saying you're testing him,why are you stressing God's child enhh, even Jesus was tempted for 40 days!!!
I know you don't want to be seen as desperate or vulnerable but when you're convinced about him,be open about your feelings.
I'm not saying you shouldn't be selective please be, but it will be unhealthy if you keep on watering down his efforts.
Hard to get doesn't exactly boost your value.
From experience I can tell you a guy can be so into you but with time he can lose interest not because he didn't sincerely like you but it's in man to get weary.
He might see you as not matured enough.
It can be confusing and emotionally draining because he'll feel you don't like him and sometimes it shuts them off completely, it's not easy to confess your feelings to someone.
Whilst you know your worth, carry your self in that consciousness, sift the wheat from the chaff and when you see the one worth it, give the required GREEN LIGHT.
Don't be too engrossed forming hard to get and become impossible to FIND.
Don't be too hard to get and they end up forgetting YOU.
If he moves on,it doesn't make him bad, don't start shouting “he didn't love you” or all “men are the same”, there's a limit to everything.
If you want him as much as he wants you after your physical and spiritual conviction, please don't hold back,allow them to love you and believe God that you made the right decision, you will be grateful for and your relationship and marriage will be among the best.
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