Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. It's my first posting here on hive Ghana. This week's prompt is an epic one.
What are your worst fears
I see fear to be an overwhelming feeling. It's overwhelming, not so much in a good way because it tends to hinder us from achieving that which we desire. Everyone here on earth has one or more fears no doubt, even the richest and wealthiest person we thought has everything somehow has something which they fear the most. Looking at my life, I am an enthusiastic person and I strive for greatness, therefore, I have goals and expectations I want to achieve yet the one thing I fear the most in this life is fear of failure.
This has been my major anxiety, and I won't even be surprised if I come across a post that says the same thing. Majority of youths, to be precise, have the same fear as mine. It has somehow prevented me from taking steps even when I don't see any staircase, taking risks to seize an opportunity no matter how challenging it is and also caused procrastination too. I keep questioning and having doubts if I would be successful at the goals and expectations which I aim for.
I could recall some years back when I began to learn about crypto blockchain. I was just learning how to invest in crypto, its benefits and all of that. Well before then, I have been buying shit coins that had been pumped bullish at that time and giving others who invested in it thousands of dollars profits. Interesting right? I didn't gain much because I didn't know the idea behind it that says when I should buy, when I should hold and when I should sell off. So when this opportunity presented itself for me to invest in ethereum and purchase it at a cheap price, because of the fear of losing, I missed out on the opportunity. I felt it was one of those shit coins too or a Ponzi scheme. I watched ethereum pumped from that amount it was, to even a higher price and up till today I still regret not purchasing it.
Nevertheless, I think it is okay to feel that way sometimes. The advice I would always give myself whenever I begin to have that anxiety most especially when I'm about to carry out a project. I say to myself;
"Just start, take risks. What if it works out better than you expected? And even if I fail, there are lessons to be learnt right? Embrace it! and try again."
This for sure keeps me going and less afraid.
Until next time, Do have a wonderful day
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