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A Simple Therapy; Start Your Day Off By Accomplishing That Challenging Task.

Source Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. It's weekend again and I'm excited to be part of this weekend's edition on @WEEKEND-EXPERIENCE

What does this quote mean to you and how can you apply it's true meaning to your life with positive results? ➡️ "If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first."

On a very normal note and if we logically analyze this situation, 'eating a frog' or frog meat is a difficult and discomforting thing to do, you know. Most people might eat it, but medically speaking I think it is unhealthy to eat that. But then, in this context we are not talking about eating frogs but it's trying to portray how eating a frog is a difficult task to do. You know, everyday of our lives, we are faced with challenges and difficulties too and to me, this very context if viewed in a real life situation, it is trying to portray the thought;

"if you have a difficult task to do, it's best you do it early/first and if you have multiple tasks to do, pick the most difficult one that has more work to do first".

Perhaps, everyone else might have various interpretations to this quote, but I feel this is the primary/basic interpretation to it, given the variable(eating frog) that was used. Now, applying this to real life situations, like I earlier said, everyone is faced with one challenges or the other. Let's take for instance, you wake up in the morning, you know you're most definitely going to have a long day, you then make a to-do list, listing all of the activities of that day. What this context is trying to explain and advice is that it's best to start with the most challenging one when your energy and determine is at its highest form. The earlier you begin with the difficult task the better for you. Once you've finished/or solved that most difficult task, you'll see that every other thing/task becomes easier to do because it has set a positive and encouraging path for the rest of the tasks and also make them less burdened.

I remember one morning, I made a to-do list for the day cause if I don't I would end up messing up or whiling away time that day and so I needed to arrange how I want the day to be. In the list , doing my laundry was kinda the most difficult thing for me. As funny as it sounds, it is difficult for me. The rest of it was; make breakfast, post a blog on hive, clean my room, phone a friend, get dinner, take a walk, read a book and the rest of 'em. Long story short, I still messed the day up cause I stayed on my phone all day long and I kept procrastinating. I will do this, I will do that.

Starting your day attending to the most challenging activity of the day to reduce procrastination because procrastination births laziness and then you'll either delay the job or might end up not getting the job done. Incorporating this idea of this quote will only help avoid procrastination but also it would help in managing time, reduce stress and make you feel productive and very fulfilled.

Until next time, do have a wonderful day.

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A Simple Therapy; Start Your Day Off By Accomplishing That Challenging Task. was published on and last updated on 19 Aug 2023.