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Hello everyone and Happy holidays. Hope y'all had a fantastic Christmas celebration yesterday. Well it's my first time competing in a contest on this community and I'm pleased to be a verified member of this community. It's Christmas season and it certainly calls for celebration even as we move near to the conclusion of the year and emerge into a New year. Most folks have had a nice year while others hasn't. The joy of moving into a new year is something extremely wonderful and distinct. To some, appeals for a new year resolution, while to some others, it seems threatening . I'm looking forward to see what the new Year brings since for me, this year has been fairly exciting, plenty of problems as well as amazing lessons acquired.
2022 has been many of things for me and it was worth the experience. Alot changed throughout the year more specifically my relationships. I lost two close mates not through death, but the bond was lost reasons I'm still to get my brain around. I got to the knowledge that's friendship is not guaranteed forever. To be honest, I cherished all memory with them and I don't regret anything. Infact, each of them taught me plenty of things. Because of my introverted character, it has helped me developed and have a better understanding when it comes to friendship and interactions with others. I have also learnt not to press anything more particularly friendships.
Outside friendship, there were several additional things I gained over the year. I began blog writing on hive about August but I wasn't consistent with it. Maybe because the curations I was receiving was so inadequate compared to the image I had transcribed in my thoughts. I was too concentrated on getting paid immediately and ignored the fundamental elements. Then I stopped writing but then something occurred. I ran a survey on my buddy who began hive around 11months ago and her account when she started wasn't any different from mine and the most exciting part is that she was able to acquire a Laptop worth over #200k in naira from her earnings here on hive. Then I came to learn that Consistency is vital to everything. My thinking was that when I began, my profits would pour in extremely substantial all the time. She impressed me so much with her attention to writing here on hive that, the beginning could appear little and difficult to fathom, but with concentration, commitment, consistency and positive thinking you might accomplish that which you want.
Another thing is that, I have learnt to believe in myself and that I cannot fail, however it could appear impossible but with that positive mentality is doable. One additional thing I have learnt is to not trust totally on human promises. I despise broken promises. That thing truly hurts. Although we all need one another to exist, yet nevertheless I have learnt to not totally relied on anybody. We all wish for the best come this new year.
Thanks for reading anyways I wish you everyone a Happy New Year in Advance.
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